Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Perform to remember

'Memorize to perform. Perform to remember.' - Karen Christopher (Goat Island), Letter to a Young Practitioner, The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, 16 March 2000

In learning lines I am (re)discovering the separation between performer and text that takes place during the process of remembering. And how my text is a new text. A subtext. Separate from the knowledge and understanding of the overall text. Even though I wrote it. We create new narratives out of words extracted from an existing narrative. I recorded my lines onto tape and played them repeatedly in a bid to help remembering. If I write them here now - they can be read outside of the context of the text, the church, the play, the drama group. They exist just as words. Words on the page. Words in the memory. I watched a film last night about belief, a man held out a crucifix and said 'If it wasn't for words, this would just be two pieces of wood.' (Northfork 2004). These are my words. Written to fit into a (w)hole. Extracted in order to be remembered. Highlighted in a flourescent pen. This is my subtext within the main text. This is my own narrative journey within the piece.

MICHAEL The Church on Rise Park Drama Group presents Acts of Communion. The setting - The Church Hall. The time – now. The Drama Group will be playing themselves.

MICHAEL Michael. Acts of Communion was written especially for the Drama Group. What you are about to see here tonight is the result.

MICHAEL I started by asking the group questions. I wanted to explore the acts of communion that take place here.

MICHAEL I asked the Drama Group how they choose their plays

MICHAEL I could give you more

MICHAEL I just did

MICHAEL He’s not here. But you play him later

MICHAEL I asked the Drama Group what it was like performing with their parents

MICHAEL She’s not here. But you play her later.

MICHAEL No – we’re going to have more scenes like this

MICHAEL The church hall

MICHAEL We’re pretending to be off stage but we’re actually onstage

MICHAEL There isn’t a set

MICHAEL The play takes place in the church hall

MICHAEL I asked the Drama Group how they learn their lines

MICHAEL You just did

MICHAEL My mum’s the prompt

MICHAEL Act One – The Wedding

MICHAEL Ladies and Gentlemen – Thank you all for coming

MICHAEL Now could I remind you if you have mobile phones

MICHAEL Please do switch them off

MICHAEL We wouldn’t want them to ruin the speeches

MICHAEL I’ve been to weddings here before

MICHAEL But today I’m the MC – Master of Ceremony

MICHAEL We are up against the clock as the hall is needed by the drama group

MICHAEL Before we start just a few housekeeping duties

MICHAEL The toilets are at the end of the corridor on the left

MICHAEL Can I also remind you that confetti is not permitted on the premises

MICHAEL And that photography should be reserved until the cutting of the cake

MICHAEL The speeches and the guests are being filmed

MICHAEL If anybody has an objection to their featuring in the wedding video

MICHAEL Please do let me know

MICHAEL So I ask you now pray silence for the Father of the Bride

MICHAEL I asked my father how he met my mother

MICHAEL I asked the Drama Group about previous shows they had performed

MICHAEL I asked my mother about wedding cakes

MICHAEL That was as far as we got with the wedding

MICHAEL The Christening

MICHAEL There isn’t a baby

MICHAEL We move on to Act Two

MICHAEL Act Two – The Christening

MICHAEL Ladies and Gentlemen -Thank you all for coming

MICHAEL Now could I remind you if you have mobile phones

MICHAEL Please do switch them off

MICHAEL We wouldn’t want them to ruin the speeches

MICHAEL I’ve been to Christenings here before

MICHAEL But today I’m the MC – Master of Ceremony

MICHAEL We are up against the clock as the hall is needed by the drama group

MICHAEL Before we start just a few housekeeping duties

MICHAEL The toilets are at the end of the corridor on the left

MICHAEL Can I just ask the owner of the Silver Vauxhall Astra parked outside Church House to return to your vehicle as you’ve blocked the minister in

MICHAEL I get the bus

MICHAEL Well usually the 16 but sometimes the 71A

MICHAEL The parents of the child would like to say a few words

MICHAEL That was as far as we got with the Christening


MICHAEL Act Three The Raffle

MICHAEL That was as far as we got with the raffle

MICHAEL The Funeral

MICHAEL Act Four The Funeral

MICHAEL Ladies and Gentlemen - Thank you all for coming

KATH [To Harry] Tuck your shirt in

MICHAEL Now could I remind you if you have mobile phones

MICHAEL Please do switch them off

MICHAEL We wouldn’t want them to ruin the speeches

MICHAEL I’ve been to Funerals here before

MICHAEL But today I’m the MC – Master of Ceremony

MICHAEL We are up against the clock as the hall is needed by the drama group

MICHAEL Before we start just a few housekeeping duties

MICHAEL We’re gathered here today to remember Kath

MICHAEL It is a shame she can’t be with us today

MICHAEL That was as far as we got with the funeral. But Kath wrote a note.

MICHAEL There are some people we have to thank

ALL To Acts of Communion


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